Precautions and Warnings

Read caution labels on all adhesive, primer and sealant containers.

Adhesive, primer and sealant contain petroleum distillates and, as a result, are extremely flammable. Care must be taken to avoid open flames and do not smoke when using these products.

Product labels, material safety data sheets and technical information sheets containing information for use of the products should be consulted.

Adhesives should be used in a well-ventilated area.

 To avoid inhalation of fumes, care should be taken to ensure fumes do not enter the building through windows or fresh-air-intake ventilation fans.

Avoid adhesive contact with eyes.

Safety glasses should always be worn. If adhesive comes in contact with eyes, flush for 15 minutes and call a doctor.

Avoid adhesive contact with skin.

In order to avoid adhesive contact with skin, use chemically resistant gloves. If adhesive comes in contact with skin, wash with soap and water.

Safeguard against falling by reading ladder manufacturer’s warnings.

In addition, establish a perimeter warning system through using ropes with flags attached.

Surfaces can be slippery when wet or covered with frost. Therefore, always work with a friend and never work with your back to the roof’s edge.In addition, know and follow HSE fall protection guidlines.

Care must be taken with fasteners that penetrate a deck. 

 This is to ensure you avoid contact with plumbing or electric wing.

When reroofing, all wet materials should be removed for the best results.

Reeroofing over a wet substrate is not good roofing practice and will have poor results.

Condensation may occur when applying Bonding Adhesive at temperatures below 4.5 °C when there is high humidity.

If droplets of water are apparent, discontinue installation until weather conditions improve. Then reapply a thin coat of adhesive over the old coat of adhesive, and continue installation.

Allow adhesives to adequately dry to avoid blistering of membrane.

Blistering will likely decrease over time and the roof will continue to perform for the long term.

Positive drainage of at least 3mm in 300mm is required for warranty coverage.

Petroleum products, such as roof cements and coatings, WILL deteriorate EPDM membranes.

Never use petroleum products on an EPDM membrane roof.

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