Pitch Pockets are used for sealing awkward roof penetrations. A Pitch Pocket is a sheet of metal sleeve flashed into the roofing membrane. At Rubber Flat Roof, we do sell the tools to secure them to your rubber flat roof.
How to Install Pitch Pockets:
Firstly, always install a wooden nailer around the protrusion when installing a metal Pitch Pocket.
The nailer should be wider than the base flange of the Pitch Pocket. In addition, it should be the same thickness as the retrofit or insulation board.
Remove any foam insulation wrap to a point above the pourable sealer line.
To ensure the Pourable Sealer will adhere to the protrusions, clean the protrusion and apply Contact Adhesive, extending above the Pourable Sealer line.
Bond the membrane up to and around the protrusion.
Apply a bead of Water Cut-Off Mastic to the bottom of the Pitch Pocket and secure it to the nailer.
Using Flashing Tape, flash-in the Pitch Pocket, securing the material past the top of the Pitch Pocket and into the inside of the Pocket.
Next, thoroughly mix the pourable sealer and fill the Pitch Pocket.
Finally, allow for the slope of the pourable sealer from the protrusion to the Pitch Pocket.