4" Short Roller Handle For Adhesive + Roofing Paint Rollers

At Rubber Flat Roof, we sell the solvent resistant roller handle. The solvent resistant roller is used with the solvent-based adhesive, for example, the Quickbond Solvent-Based Bonding Adhesive. We also supply the solvent-resistant rollers refills.

£2.80 £3.36
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At Rubber Flat Roof, we sell the solvent resistant roller handle. The solvent resistant roller is used with the solvent-based adhesive, for example, the Quickbond Solvent-Based Bonding Adhesive. We also supply the solvent-resistant rollers refills.

Application Process Using the Solvent Resistant Roller Handle

  • Firstly, for best adhesion results, ensure that the areas that are being bonded are both clean, dry and grease-free.

  • The Quickbond Contact Adhesive will adhere to rubber, metal timber and cement.

  • Use a 4″ mini roller to apply contact adhesive to the rubber roofing membrane.

  • Solvent-based adhesives must be used in a well-ventilated area.

  • Apply to both mating surfaces.

  • Then wait for the adhesive to dry (tack off) before adhering the rubber to the substrate.

Finally, please see our EPDM Roof Installation Videos for more details.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with our friendly team. Call us if you are unsure about the materials you need for your roof on 01392 927729 or email sales@rubberflatroof.co.uk. You can also check out our Roof Calculator that estimates all the materials you will need for your rubber roofing project.


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