12" Roller Refill

At Rubber Flat Roof, we sell the 12″ Roller Refill for your convenience. The 12″ Roller Refill is used to apply the Water Based Adhesive to the boards before laying the EPDM Rubber Membrane.

£4.95 £5.94
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At Rubber Flat Roof, we sell the 12″ Roller Refill for your convenience. The 12″ Roller is used to apply the Water Based Adhesive to the boards before laying the EPDM Rubber Membrane.

The 12″ Roller Refill fits the frame we sell too.

Why is EPDM Rubber Flat Roofing membranes an extremely durable roofing option?
  • The saturated polymer backbone allows for strong resistance to weathering, high heats, and temperature. 
  • Furthermore, the chemical properties of EPDM result in a very low risk of oxidation and any related damage.
  • Therefore, there is high resistance to water, acid and alkali erosion. 
  • The EPDM membrane is a non-polar elastomer, which affords it a high electrical resistivity.
  • Finally, it has flame retardant properties and a highly flexible membrane – capable of up to 300% movement.
  • As a result, it is insusceptible to physical damage such as tearing and abrasion.

Thus, RubberCover EPDM products are the perfect solution for your garage, shed or flat roof:

  • In particular, it is simple and easy to install and here at Rubber Flat Roof, we have installation videos and tutorials.
  • Unlike Asphalt products which are heat applied, RubberCover EPDM is cold applied – no need for expensive welding equipment!
  • EPDM membranes are fitted in single sheets (available up to fifteen meters in width) which greatly reduces the risk of leaks. In the unlikely case of damage, however, EPDM membranes are easy to patch repair.
  • Joints and seams integrity is not an issue.
  • Lastly, EPDM Rubber Flat Roofing is environmentally friendly and recyclable.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with our friendly team. Call us if you are unsure about the materials you need for your roof on 01392 927729 or email sales@rubberflatroof.co.uk. You can also check out our Roof Calculator that estimates all the materials you will need for your rubber roofing project.

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